- Power supply: 12VDC * 2
- Motor power steering: 400W
- Accquy: 4 * 6V / 150Ah
- Length of hydrophilic bar: 1010 mm
- Diameter brush: 800 mm (02 brushes)
- Capacity motor rub: 1000W * 2 (02 motor)
- Motor suction power: 1000W (03-stage)
- Brush Speed: 148rpm / min
- Working width: 800 mm
- Pressure brush: 30kg
- Containers of water: 125 L
- Containers for dirty water: 125L
- Efficient Work: 5000m2 / h
- Weight: 320 kg (excluding Accquy)
- Size: 1230 × 820 × 1200mm
Parts: Brush scrubber, mounted tray pad
Average Accquy 04, 01 charged